Friday, January 2, 2009

Israel...Here I Come

So, as many of you know I will be heading to Israel tomorrow for a history and geography class as well as doing evangelism. This will probably be my main form of communication, so I look forward to updating it. Here is a quick overview of what the 14 days will consist of: Jan. 3 & 4 - will mainly consist of traveling and getting an overview of Jerusalem. Jan. 5 - will be filled with being in and around the city of David as well as visiting the "Burnt House" which was a the house of a priestly family that was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. Jan. 6 - We will be hiking and going to the garden of gethsemane and the mount of olives along with some places within Jerusalem. Jan. 7 - We will be spending most of the day on the temple mount. Jan. 8 - We will be going to the Israel museum as well as several schools in the area. Jan. 9 - We will be traveling to the supposed site of the upper room as well as having some free time. Jan. 10 - We will be traveling to where the first gentile Christians lived as well as going to Nazareth, Valley of Armageddon, and the Sea of Galilee. Jan. 11 - We will be going to the traditional site of the feeding of the 5000 as well as going to the Jordan river. Jan. 12 - We will be heading to the Dead Sea, Qumran (which is where the Dead Sea scrolls were found), and the Elah Valley (where David fought Goliath). Jan. 13 & 14 - We will be hanging around with Jewish believers, doing evangelism, and experiencing Israeli culture. Jan. 15 & 16 - We will be traveling, traveling, traveling - more books and airplanes :).

So, please be praying for opportunities, strength, stamina, humility, protection, and that the glory of the Lord would shine forth and his will be done.

2 Responses to “Israel...Here I Come”

radiantfirst said...

sounds sure to twitter your findings

Joe Batluck said...

dude! where are the updates? it has already been 24 hours come on man!